MMA Rankings to be updated today, 5/25/08 @ 12PM EDT
Notable Info
- Effects from newly added historical shows and recent shows such as UFC 84, DEEP 35.
- Bugfix for situations in which a huge upset occurs. This affects a core dynamic of the system and will cause minor fluctuations in various places.
Overall, the system performed well with UFC 84. In only 3 of the 11 matches, the lower ranked fighter won. In 2 of those, the winner was a relatively unknown up-and-comer who took a step up in class, with 1 of those being a toss-up in the rankings. The other 1 of the 3 mentioned was Jardine/Silva, in which a true FightMatrix upset occurred.
In other notable news, BJ Penn takes the #1 Lightweight spot and enters the Division Dominance list at #10.