All fighters are ranked using their FightMatrix rating points as of 4/6/09. Some of the bout histories for these obscure fighters are incomplete, especially those from the UK, but we decided to use the information that we have to provide a ranking of said fighters. There is some “grouping” of closely rated fighters, so we are presenting them in tiers.
Total Points
235 –
The Best of the Bunch
1. Che Mills
2. Kevin Knabjian
3. Mark Miller
Worth Keeping an Eye On
4. Jason Pierce
5. Damarques Johnson
Rounding Out the Top 10
6. Tommy Maguire
7. Ray Elbe
8. James Wilks
9. Alex Reid
9B. Frank Lester*
10. Nicholas Osipczak
Here for the Ride
11. Dean Amasinger
12. Ryan Biglar
13. Christian Fulgium
The Unranked
Kiel Reid,
David Falkner,
James Bateman
* – Added after the fact, not included in main point total.