MMA fighters face some challenges when building romantic relationships. Since they invest most of their time and energy in their sports career, they have less time to spend with their partners.
Do you want to meet the right person and maintain healthy relationships while pursuing your goals? Here are a few useful tips for MMA fighters.
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Be Fully Present at the Moment
When you are together with your partner, you should be fully present in the moment. Put your phone away, stop talking about yourself, and talk with your partner about their interests.
Remember that it doesn’t matter whether you can spend a lot of your time with your partner or not. The quality, not the quantity of the time, is important. If you spend just 30 minutes a day together but are fully engaged in conversation or shared activity, it will be enough to build healthy relationships. Learn more here.
Don’t Ask Them to Be Present at Fights
Many athletes expect that their partners will be present at all their fights. However, there are many reasons why girlfriends and boyfriends can’t come to support their partners:
- They are sensitive people and can’t see someone they love get hurt.
- They are anxious and stressed out a lot while watching the fights.
- They don’t want to appear in public.
- They are busy at work.
If your partner tells you she can’t attend the event, don’t force her to do it. Let her explain the reasons behind her decision and be respectful. If your partner provides enough support in other aspects of your relationships, you should be OK with that.
Be Open for Online Dating Opportunities
If you don’t have time to go on many dates in real life, you can explore dating opportunities online. Most modern couples meet online, so it’s the best place to search for your soulmate.
When looking for a partner and using dating apps, use features like singlesnearme to find people near you and also add information about your MMA experience to your bio. It’s a great way to make your profile stand out and make it clear to other users who you are and what your biggest passion is.
Also, don’t be shy and show off your best pictures from the recent fights. Add them to your dating profile to attract more users.
Set Clear Expectations
When you start relationships, you should make it clear that you will not sacrifice your career. You will not skip a training session to attend a music festival. You will not skip an important fight to attend your girlfriend’s sister’s wedding. Talk about your priorities from day one so the other person knows what to expect from you.
Don’t Look for a Soulmate among Your Fans
Most fans want a one-night stand with an attractive MMA fighter. So, if you hope to find someone who will become your partner for life not just one night, don’t waste your time on dates with your fans.
Be Romantic
Not every person is romantic, but every relationship needs some romance. Find a way to surprise your partner with something nice and sweet. It can be a romantic dinner at the best restaurant or a rooftop once a month. Or it can be a little souvenir that you bring for her from every trip.
Wrapping Up
Every relationship requires some work. So, if you want to share your life with someone special, you should be ready to invest in this relationship. Eventually, your partner will become your biggest fan and cheerleader and help you reach new heights in your sporting career. So, all your efforts will be worth it.