Dana… are you sure Stipe is the best of all-time?
- This is entirely different than our All-Time Rankings, and much more simplistic. Fewer edge cases are handled here.
- Quarterly Heavyweight ranking data gathered from Generated Historical Rankings. Snapshots are made on the first of the quarter.
- 10 points assigned for #1 rank, 6 points for #2, 4 points for #3, 3 points for #4, 2 points for #5, 1 point for #6-10.
- Weak divisional depth penalty applied to above point totals, with a maximum penalty of 33.3%.
- Fighter gets no points for the quarter if they did not win or draw in the division in the 450 days previous to beginning of the quarter.
- Yes, there are many “open weight” fighters present in the early years.
- Date format (lower right) is year_month.