Notable Info
- This release marks a BIG change in the way we do things here at FightMatrix. Starting with this release, points are now division-adjusted. This does NOT mean that we only consider achievements in the division that fighters are currently ranked. It means that we adjust the points when a fighter moves divisions (males only). When a fighter moves up in weight, the points are reduced. When a fighter moves down in weight, the points are increased. The exact amount depends on the divisions moved and the direction. This is based on objective analysis, and subjective views on the fact that more often than not, a fighter faces stiffer tests upon moving up divisions. The only way to make this work, is to do the inverse when a fighter moves down in weight, which is likely going to be more controversial from a subjective standpoint since most ranking sites tend to penalize these fighters. However, a fighter usually has an easier time moving down in weight, unless it is fueled by late career desperation.
- Finalization of the modifications made in the previous release.
- The usual bout additions and updates.
The recent changes will cause more weekly fluctuations as the rating system is now more dependent than ever on secondary data. More specifically, on divisional info, and 5-round scorecards. In the future, we will likely consider 3-round scorecards at a much lesser influence than we do with 5-rounders. If anyone is willing to help us with populating this information, please volunteer in the forum.