Just in time for UFC 311…. #1 is surprising, but this is entirely about longevity at or near the top of the division.
- This is entirely different than our All-Time Rankings, and much more simplistic. Fewer edge cases are handled here.
- Quarterly ranking data gathered from Generated Historical Rankings.
- 10 points awarded for #1 rank, #2 – 6pts, #3 – 4pts, #4 – 3pts, #5 – 2pts, #6 – 1.5pts, reducing 0.25 pt each rank to #10 (0.5 pt).
- Weak divisional depth penalty applied where necessary (early days of division).
- Fighter gets no points for the quarter if they did not win, draw, or have close loss (SD,MD) in the division in the previous 450 days.
- Date format (lower right) is year_month.