MMA rankings archive has been updated with the rankings as of August 4, 2008.
Rankings Archive Updated historical ranking archive updated with the rankings as of July 6, 2008.
Archive Update MMA ranks archive has been updated with the rankings as of June 1, 2008.
Rankings Archive Updated MMA ranks archive has been updated with the rankings as of May 3, 2008.
Archive Update
The historical rankings archive has been updated with the rankings as of April 3rd, 2008.
Archive: New Feature
We’ve added a new feature to our historical rankings archive. Each archive issue now includes a movement tracker, to indicate the progress fighters made since the last issue.
Archive Updated
The rank archive has been updated with the official rankings as of March 3, 2008. Remember, we will be archiving a snapshot of the current rankings on a monthly basis. MMA Rankings Archive
Every month, we will be taking a snapshot of the current MMA rankings for each division, and adding them to our rankings archive.
Check out all historical rankings up to date here!
Rank Archive: December 14, 2007 – December 29, 2007
Historical ranks from December 14, 2007 through December 29, 2007
Note that the current revision has some significant changes due to switching to a more accurate fight database. A major ranking update will be published on January 1st 2008. Keep Reading
Rank Archive: December 9, 2007 – December 13, 2007
Historical ranks from December 9, 2007 through December 13, 2007 Keep Reading