Jonathan Green
Association: N/A Pro Debut Date: 2001-04-20 Pro Record: 1-1-0 |
Win Finish %: 100.0%
Quality Perf. %: 50.0%
Last Ranked: N/A Highest Ranked: N/A |
Complete Professional MMA Fight History
Fighter rankings represent most recent generated quarterly rating prior to the fight
Opponent | Outcome | |
W | Phil Theodorou |
TKO (Referee Stoppage Due to Palm Strikes) Round 0 |
BSC - Boston Shootfighting Championships Friday, April 20th 2001 |
L | Jose Florez |
TKO (Referee Stoppage Due to Palm Strikes) Round 0 |
BSC - Boston Shootfighting Championships Friday, April 20th 2001 |
Opponent | Event | Outcome | |
W | Phil Theodorou |
BSC - Boston Shootfighting Championships Friday, April 20th 2001 |
TKO (Referee Stoppage Due to Palm Strikes) Round 0 |
L | Jose Florez |
BSC - Boston Shootfighting Championships Friday, April 20th 2001 |
TKO (Referee Stoppage Due to Palm Strikes) Round 0 |