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MMA Fight Outcomes by Weight Class
Bellator Fight Outcomes by Weight Class
Bellator Fight Outcomes by Year
Most Career Wins Without a Loss
Longest Undefeated Streak (Active Fighters)
Longest Undefeated Streak (Retired Fighters)
Best Submission Win Percentage
Most Weight Divisions Fought In
Most Weight Divisions With a Draw or Win
Yes I saw him he became ,,popular,, or like neighbourhood hero after before 3rd win when he says he put hands in petrol every night and then film yourself on fightday at 2am with canister of Petrol and win by KO afterwards outspoken guy he is funny with petrol thing
Update fight record
Andrejic Vojin
From Serbia
Score 4-0-0 (4KOs)
I was in Serbia in September there was some event one fight was different, it’s not because he win by a very good right hand KO it was movements of that fighter.
I asked people there about him and realised that he is 27yo and becoming popular because never go pro he had some business and start to fight like 60 days ago
From Serbia 27yo
3wins in 43 days, all knockouts.
I’m a huge fighting fan for whole my life I’ll be happy if I see him clim the ranks and try his skills in bug leagues (UFC,Ballater,OCHSP)