In (most probably) our next release, we will be introducing a mild “blocking” routine into the ratings.
No software-based rating system is perfect and although we’ve stymied most of the undesirable qualities of an ELO-system, some still remain. As such, we will be implementing a blocking routine which will prevent a fighter from increasing his or her rating over a fighter who has beaten them in the past 450 days, unless one of the following conditions are met, in a future match within the 450 day window:
- The winning fighter loses to a future fighter with a pre-bout rating of less than the loser of the original match.
- The losing fighter wins against a future fighter with a pre-bout rating of more than the winner of the original match.
- The winning fighter only wins a close decision or draws against a future fighter with a pre-bout rating of less than 1/2 the loser of the original match.
- The losing fighter loses a close decision or draws against a future fighter with a pre-bout rating of more than 1/2 the loser of the original match.
- Fighters are ranked in different divisions.
Our intent is to resolve the issue of a losing fighter creeping above the winner with a multitude of mediocre, yet point-scoring wins. This is a very mild solution, and as a result, our initial test only produced 65 blocks — less than half of which will affect ranked fighters.
Although there are 5 conditions above, this still pales in comparison to the complexities of our rating system as a whole. Nevertheless, we feel this is more than a fair start for our first attempt at releasing this into the wild.
In addition, our next update will introduce a new slant on scoring split and majority decisions. If one judge’s score wildly varies from the others, it will have less, or more effect on the ratings, depending on the direction in which that one judge scored. This will have very little overall effect on the ratings.
As for the expansion..
In the last few years, Lightweight, Welterweight, and Middleweight have outpaced their larger predecessors in producing more quality fighters. As such, we will be progressively expanding these rankings in the coming weeks/months. We will be increasing these three divisions to a Top 300 list on the next update.